Category Archives: Uncategorized

My website is trashed

Because WordPress is awful but I haven’t escaped it because paying ~$24 year to to patch it isn’t so bad. But of course karma caught up to me and I tried to change something and yaddi yaddi yadda, I’m tired of WordPress. So a migration is likely, or maybe not. Inertia is a helluva drug.

Ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04.1 LTS release note snippets

With the release of Ubuntu 12.10 and 12.04.1 LTS to the world, Ubuntu is showing their preference for Tomcat 7, Java 7 and Python 3.  Check out some highlights of the release below.

12.04.1 PrecisePangolin

12.10 QuantalQuetzal

12.04.1 Highlights:
Please note that Tomcat 7 will replace Tomcat 6 as the supported version of Apache Tomcat in Ubuntu 12.10.
Please note that OpenJDK 7 will become the default Java implementation in Ubuntu 12.10.
Chef 0.8.16 (948437) and corresponding Ohai packages (948438) removed from precise at the request of OpsCode.
12.10 Highlights:
Chef 10.12.0 has been re-introduced to Ubuntu in-conjunction with OpsCode.
canonical urges people to migrate to python 3: If you have your own programs based on Python 2, fear not! Python 2 will continue to be available (as the python package) for the foreseeable future. However, to best support future versions of Ubuntu you should consider porting your code to Python 3. Python/3 has some advice and resources on this.

Ubuntu 12.10 ships OpenJDK7 as the default Java implementation. This brings improved performance, new features and better compatibility with other Java 7 implementations.

Use of the OpenJDK6 is now deprecated and the openjdk-6-* packages in universe for Ubuntu 12.10 will not be provided in future releases of Ubuntu.

Live painting from 01/05/07: Frankfest @ The Canal Club, Richmond, VA

oh yeah, Joe? you had a few predictions and resolutions, did you? well i had a few myself, and they are these:

to continue to try and to manage more and more responsibilities at work and at home. this includes the art thing. balance is key and something i’m trying to achieve without it overwhelming/frustrating me. what can i say? i can be lazy.

to be a better counselor at the group home that i work for.

to not worry so much and to enjoy things more.

and finally, to create more live paintings this year than i ever have prior. so, with that in mind, Friday night was a nice little kick off to the year at Frankfest. check out my blog for specifics if you’re interested…here’s the painting in the meantime, lovelies.

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Crazyredbeard set to paint live for the Everyone Orchestra at the 10,000 Lakes Festival

there you have it folks. progenitor and author of the sipder flies himself, mr. crazyredbeard, will be painting for the Everyone Orchestra at the 10,000 Lakes Festival this summer. i post this not to toot my own horn mind ye. i’m a humble man.

i post this to FREAK THE EFF OUT! i’m honored that EO would even think to have me back. i was lucky enough to paint for them for three nights this past Fall, 10/06-10/08/06 and was able to sell two out of the three paintings i created. the music was amazing, the musicians top notch and the experience one to remember. i’m certainly pleased to say the least that they think enough of my work to want to have me back. 🙂 God is good.

here are the three that came about from the run this Fall…

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Recher Theatre, 10/06/06 Towson, MD

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The State Theater, 10/07/06 Falls Church, VA

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House of Blues, 10/08/06 Atlantic City, NJ
word!! this is definitely the biggest event i’ve ever painted and i’m so thankful for the opportunity…hope to see you all at the Lakes!!

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Fishman signing the back of my painting @ The State Theater, Falls Church, VA

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The State Theater 10/07/06

Damn, long time no post

Yeah yeah, what the hell right? I haven’t posted in almost three months. Three months! I make a pledge, yes, you heard it. To make sure that I post at least every four months. You heard it here first folks. Anyway, I am going to the Duo at the Orange Peel in Asheville, NC saturday night. It’ll be sweet, hopefully the boys aren’t tired.

How about that Trey show. For as much shit that I talk about Trey, he rocked it out. I hate to admit that I was grining as hard as I ever would (or can remember) at a good Phish show. Speaking of the boys, check out Tom Marshall’s blog post about the Phish looking for a new home. Charlottesville is a good town. Soon as Coran Capshaw re-opens the Jefferson as an indoor venue to shows, balcony with seats, downstairs is floor space, few tables on the sides, same as the State Theatre, we will have pretty much every accomidating venue possible for music.

Speaking of music, last night I was struck silly of the choices of music in the area. First up of couse was Orbit’s Wesnesday Night Showcase. The sweet sounds of funk, soul, rock, and even ween flow through the corner of the Corner as garage doors are opened full. Next at Starr Hill three different bands including Richmond’s own the Grove. Some Widespread Panic love came from Crozet where Bloodkin ripped out some crazy twanging good times. Rebel Vibe from D.C., which I attended, brought the raggae sound. When I was driving home from work Wednesday night, I thought to myself, I really want to listen to some reggae and then boom, get a phone call form friends and away we go.

Charlottesville is an excellent musical city. I promise I’ll update with a full dump of everything I got pictures of. Hopefully soon I will manage to start a podcast of the shows I record. Maybe I’ll do a show. Should be fun. Updates ever four months right? Yup, leaving that window open. Peace y’all.

One Billion People!

Yes people, in your best Dr. Evil voice, One Billion People now have internet access. I think that is a tremendous accomplishment for humanity in general. Granted not everyone has uncensored access but as any one knows, you can do anything on the internet if you just try, good or bad. The internet is the instantaneous door to the world.

Congratulations to everyone.

Yahoo has the story: One billion people have Internet access

side thought, is internet a proper noun?